The Vheen Hikuusen Monogatari Manga:

Vheen Hikuusen Monogatari (Vheen Airship Story or Tales of the Vheen Airship, "Vheen" being the Japanese version of "Vane") is a manga compilation of three stories about Ghaleon's past written and drawn by the very talented Akari Funato. I'd been trying to get this book for the longest time and highly recommend that you pick up a copy as well - Funato's art is beautiful.

Also, the tankoubon was reprinted to coincide with the release of Harmony of Silver Star, so you now have no excuse for not owning a physical copy. And, hey - it's even available on digitally on Amazon Japan.

There are three stories all together:

And the production notes:

Additional insight:


Oh, yeah, didja wanna know what the short cover blurb on the back of the manga says? Well: "Vheen, the Magic City. Once inhabited by another people known as 'the magic race'. The memories of Ghaleon of that magic race and the humans who rode aloft in the airship called the Great Inheritance have been scattered throughout time... A collection of engrossing, absorbing episodes for those who can't get enough of Ghaleon!" Indeed.